Have you or your loved ones been diagnosed with end stage renal disease (esrd)?

You may be eligible to participate in a end stage renal disease (esrd) clinical trial.

Have you or your loved ones been diagnosed with end stage renal disease (esrd)? You may be eligible to participate in a end stage renal disease (esrd) clinical trial.

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End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Clinical Trial in Ottawa Ontario
NCT01228279 | Phase 4 | Interventional

Have you or your loved ones been diagnosed with end stage renal disease (esrd)?

You may be eligible to participate in a end stage renal disease (esrd) clinical trial.

Have you or your loved ones been diagnosed with end stage renal disease (esrd)? You may be eligible to participate in a end stage renal disease (esrd) clinical trial.


Male & Female

18 Years +

This study is looking to recruit 50 Participants

Hypothesis: Patients starting peritoneal dialysis with a glucose-based regimen have high sympathetic activity in response to an increase in leptin and insulin. Converting patients from a regimen of only glucose containing dialysate to a regimen with non-glucose-based solution, icodextrin, will reduce the insulin and leptin levels and will reverse dialysis-induced increases in sympathetic activity.