Have you or your loved ones been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia?

You may be eligible to participate in a acute lymphoblastic leukemia clinical trial.

Have you or your loved ones been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia? You may be eligible to participate in a acute lymphoblastic leukemia clinical trial.

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Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Clinical Trial in Guangzhou Guangdong
NCT00846703 | Phase 4 | Interventional

Have you or your loved ones been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia?

You may be eligible to participate in a acute lymphoblastic leukemia clinical trial.

Have you or your loved ones been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia? You may be eligible to participate in a acute lymphoblastic leukemia clinical trial.


Male & Female

Up to 16

Years old

This study is looking to recruit 600 Participants

The Guangdong work group of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) therapy was set up in October 2002. The investigators treated the childhood ALL with a GZ2002 protocol since the year 2002, and the protocol was mainly derived from the ALLIC-BFM 2002 protocol. After summarizing the last six years' experience, our group revised the GZ2002 ALL protocol in the year 2008, which is named GD-2008 ALL protocol. The diagnosis and classified criteria is according to the ALLIC-BFM 2002 protocol, and the chemotherapy protocol consists all the therapeutic phases as the ALLIC-BFM 2002 protocol prescribed.