Are you healthy and looking to help advance medical science?

You may be eligible to participate in a postpartum hemorrhage clinical study, and could be compensated for your time.

Are you healthy and looking to help advance medical science? You may be eligible to participate in a postpartum hemorrhage clinical study, and could be compensated for your time.

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Postpartum Hemorrhage Clinical Trial in Toronto Ontario
NCT01869556 | Interventional

Are you healthy and looking to help advance medical science?

You may be eligible to participate in a postpartum hemorrhage clinical study, and could be compensated for your time.

Are you healthy and looking to help advance medical science? You may be eligible to participate in a postpartum hemorrhage clinical study, and could be compensated for your time.



14 - 55

Years old

This study has recruited 105 Participants

Patients having Cesarean section after they have been in labor for many hours bleed much more, in average twice as much, as compared with patients having an elective Cesarean section. The investigators believe a simple change in practice might contribute to reduce this bleeding. This study will involve the use of oxytocin (also known as syntocinon), ergonovine (also known as ergot) and carboprost (also known as hemabate). Oxytocin is routinely used to help contract the uterus and keep it contracted after the delivery of the baby and placenta, so as to reduce the amount of blood loss. Ergonovine is also given through the intravenous line, while carboprost is given as an injection in the muscle. Although they are not routinely given in every case, these are very frequently given as rescue medications to patients who fail to respond appropriately to oxytocin. This study is designed to determine if ergonovine or carboprost given in association with oxytocin, in a preventive way, after delivery of the baby and placenta, can reduce the amount of blood loss during Cesarean sections following a trial of labour.